Completed and In Progress:
3D Printer Engineering Volume 1: Motion Platform Design
Building a high-performing 3D printer begins with the motion platform that supports, aligns, and guides the printer’s moving parts. This volume offers practical insight into popular printer arrangements, frame design, and bearing systems.

3D Printer Engineering Volume 2: Drivetrain Design
Volume 2 covers everything you need to know to design high-performance drivetrains with timing belts, cables, linear screws, and Delta mechanisms.
Pre-orders will be available in late 2019.

3D Printer Engineering Volume 3: Stepper Motors
Volume 3 is a deep-dive into stepper motors. It covers motor theory, performance limits, motor selection, gearbox ratios, and how to avoid the most common mistakes.
Pre-orders will be available in 2020.
Volume 4: Fused Filament Fabrication
A fourth volume is planned to cover FFF extruders, build plates, and polymer behavior.
Volume 5: Electronics
A fifth volume is planned to cover controller boards, wiring, firmware concepts, and electrical safety.