Amazon Relaunch!

My publisher recently exited the 3d printing publishing space, for a combination of reasons including changes to EU tax law that made it uneconomical to sell to Europe. So I’ve reformatted Volume 1 for Amazon, and you can now buy it here:

What’s changed? The 1st edition Sublime Press version had very generous margins for note-taking, and premium print quality. After shipping, it ended up around $45 in the US and $60 in Europe. They were very nice books, but we got a lot of feedback that the European cost with shipping was too high, so I’ve tried to work down the price. The 2nd edition for Amazon is a slightly smaller book trim size (height/width) and “standard” print quality. The content is materially unchanged. All the text and images are clear, but a bit less crisp than before.

I do still have some copies of the 2nd printing by Sublime Press. Shoot me an email if you’re interested. For $60 (USD) I’ll ship you a signed copy. Otherwise, I’ll likely bring them to the next Midwest RepRap Festival I’m able to attend.

I’m still pondering how to do a digital version. 3D printing folks are notoriously prone to piracy, so I assume any PDF version of the book will be “redistributed” fairly quickly. Reformatting the book with reflowable layout for e-readers is a significant effort that I’m not ready to tackle yet. I may do that after Volume 2 is done.

4 thoughts on “Amazon Relaunch!”

    1. Yeah, I don’t know a lot of people who haven’t seen their designs stolen and resold. If you create something and post it online in a copyable format, odds are good it will eventually be pirated. There’s a lot of principled people who respect copyright and licensing terms, and a lot of unprincipled people who don’t.

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